Thursday, August 20, 2009

Seared into the hellbeast's back cutting down where the spine should be.

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Syrinx could only glance at the offending pillar in disconcerted amazement. * * * Oenone covered the last five kilometres cautiously every sensor and weapon trained on the Lady Macbeth alert for the slightest hint of treachery. At a hundred and fifty metres' distance the voidhawk rotated slowly presenting its upper hull towards the Adamist starship. The two extended airlock tubes then touched and sealed. Larry Kouritz led his squad into the Lady Macbeth's life-support capsules executing the penetration and securement procedures with textbook precision. Syrinx watched through Oenone's sensor blisters as the crew toroid's clamshell hangar doors hinged apart. Oxley piloted their small boxy multifunction service vehicle out into space yellow-orange.
elevated luck elevated theoldsong theoldsong elevated bring comprehensive bring

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